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Tibetan culture gathering place

  Baisong Town, Derong County, 35 kilometers away from the county seat, is the largest naxi gathering place in Ganzi Prefecture. Baisong, Rimai and Menza villages are basically naxi people. Baisong not only has its unique folk customs and beautiful scenery, but also its delicious food, red rice. Because of the open terrain, fertile land, rich water resources, modern agricultural industry coruscate vitality. In recent years, baisong town according to the geographical conditions of each village, full research, reasonable planning, vigorously develop characteristic industries, in accordance with the "one village one product" development ideas, do the combination of planting, raising, according to local conditions to build breeding base 4, the development of all kinds of vegetables greenhouses more than 1,000 acres.

Huimin Water conservancy makes quinoa more colorful
  In 2014, Baisong Town, Derong County, began to test planting quinoa, realizing a good income of 9 million yuan in annual output value. People in Baisong town not only work on their land transfer, but also learn to plant and process quinoa, and their life is getting better and better.

Drunk beauty Grape Town
  De Rong County due to the dam of the town construction starting point is high, high standards, high specifications to planning and construction, whether it is water, electricity, road, network, farmland and other infrastructure, or schools, health centers, bus stations, farmers markets and other public services are reasonable and standardized. Ecological migration is not just about bringing people in and settling down, but more importantly, enabling them to develop well and prosper. The residents of Yinduba build grape industrial park, which has now built a grape base of more than 1200 mu. High-quality wine grapes bring real economic benefits to the people. "Planting grapes does not worry about sales, and the sales price is high" has become the real feeling of grape growers, and more and more people are happy to plant grapes and know how to plant grapes.

The town of Huaca
  Waka town, Derong County, is located in the southernmost part of Ganzi Prefecture. Waka town is surrounded by mountains and rivers, the first bay of jinsha River within the territory, and surrounded by natural scenic spots. It is an important part of the world natural heritage of "Parallel flow of three Rivers". The surrounding tourism resources are rich, and it is an important node of the Grand Shangri-La International Tourism loop, and the southern bridgehead of the regional tourism strategy of Ganzi Prefecture. In recent years, Waka has seized the opportunity of the rapid development of tourism through Ganzi Prefecture by virtue of multiple supportive policies, and has grown rapidly. Tourism has also benefited the local people.