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  Waka town is an important transportation hub at the junction of Yunnan, Tibet and Sichuan. Under the baptism and nourishment of jinsha River from ancient times to now, this quiet town surrounded by mountains has fostered a group of honest and kind-hearted Tibetan compatriots, writing a story of ethnic integration and Tibetan and Han family. Let's feel the beauty of this place together. The town government of Waka Town is located in Waka Village, which is an important crossing of the yunnan-Tibet tea horse ancient Road. It is 65.6 kilometers away from Derong County in the north and 75 kilometers away from Shangri-La in the south. Waka is a Tibetan word meaning ferry. Jinsha River billowing waves cut off yunnan, Sichuan two places of traffic, people in Sichuan and Yunnan need the help of ships, so the place name for waka.
  Waka town, formerly known as Zigeng Township, was established in 1956. Zigeng Village (Zigeng Village 1, 2 and 3) is the seat of the government of Zigeng Township. It was moved to the present Waka Dam in 1982 when the ecological migration project of Waka Dam Area was started. In October 2013, Atom Geng township changed its name to Waka Township. On August 31, 2013, an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.1 and 5.9 occurred at the junction of Shangri-La county, Deqin County and Derong County in Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province, with an intensity of 8 degrees. People's houses, infrastructure and public facilities were severely damaged in Zigeng Township. Under the care of the government, the affected people living in the village of A village and a village and land reform of the affected people moved to the dam area, namely the current district of Waka town, to start the post-disaster reconstruction work. With the efforts of party committees at all levels and local people, the town has been built into a unique Tibetan town with unique style and Tibetan and Han techniques. The town integrates the regional, historical and cultural characteristics of Waka and becomes a tourist market town with regional characteristics.
  In recent years, Waka town has seized the historical opportunity of accelerating the development of cultural industry and planning and building a tourism town. With the tourism town as the carrier, landscape as the shape and culture as the soul, waka Town has given full play to its advantages in rural ecological tourism resources. Taking advantage of the outstanding advantages of Waka Town as the main part of the provincial scenic spot of Sun Valley and the towns with the most traditional Chinese villages in the province, the national intangible cultural heritage of Derong Learning qiang and the provincial intangible cultural heritage of car model craftsmanship, we boldly design new tourism products full of advanced consciousness. The main tourism image brand of "Weiwei cross, Haohao Jinsha, sunshine waka, charming Tibetan township, tea horse ancient crossing, red Army ancient road, melon and fruit fragrance, singing and dancing sea". Now, built by generations of Wakans, It has emerged as a thriving new socialist countryside.