- Derong learns Qiang - - Mold furniture skill -

  Derong learning qiang is a self-entertaining form of folk song and dance performance, which is popular in Zigeng Township, Zishi and Achun village of Derong County in southwestern Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province. Derong Xueqiang is mainly performed in Derong dialect, with derong Guozhuang rhythm as the basic music and derong Guozhuang dance steps as the basic dance steps. The main characteristics of Derong Learning qiang dance movements are strong and powerful, simple and generous, stamping and foot movements combined to form the unique charm of learning qiang dance.
  Learn qiang as a folk dance, and people's folk activities are closely linked, where festivals, gatherings, villages, men and women gathered together, learn qiang to show harmony, auspicious, blessing. When singing and dancing, people light a roaring bonfire, with the bonfire as the center of the circle, singing and dancing, singing lyrics mainly love songs.
  The movements are characterized by the bounce and jump of legs, and the lyrics reflect the love between young men and women. South road guozhuang performance of men and women in a circle, singing and dancing. When dancing, hold hands with each other or support the waist, bow low, dance posture is low, the upper body movement is small, the main movement is focused on the leg stepping and leaning on the leg.
  When jumping into the passionate mood, they also add the game of "jumping on the fire", in which several people form a horizontal row, or jump over the bonfire, or chase each other to step on the ground and dance, or step on each other and push each other down, until they have fun. This dance form of Learning qiang is also integrated with the local people's games and other life scenes.