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  According to legend, long ago, waka was suffering from a severe water shortage, and monks and traders in Jalan Thong and the tea and horse exchange market spent their days worrying about the water problem. Miss Ram, who lived at the crossing of Zigengzalan, saw this and was moved with pity and determined to solve the problem. Every day, she went to the gangqu River behind the mountain and poured the water back into the village canal. Day after day, year after year, the mountain was trampled by Ram girl a path, gradually waka naturally flowing out of a clear spring. With the spring breeze of reform and opening up spreading all over China, Waka town ushered in the ecological immigration benefit project. The government invested in qingqing Spring from the foot of Zigeng Bensuo Sacred Mountain to provide irrigation water for the dam area. With the construction and use of drip irrigation project, there is the water street we see at present.