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  Tree pepper is a kind of pollution-free popular green food unique to Rong County, as in March flowering and fruit, picking green pepper in April, maturing in July, sustainable picking to December, per mu yield can reach 800 kg.
  Derong tree pepper, also known as "tree sea pepper", is a specialty of Derong County, Sichuan Province and a national geographical indication product of China. It has thin meat and strong spicy taste, which can appetizer and strengthen the spleen. It has high content of vitamin E, calcium, selenium, vitamin C and riboflavin, which is of high health care and medical value and has been used in Tibetan medicine.
  Because the trunk lignification and the formation of small trees commonly known as "tree sub sea pepper", is a perennial plant. It was first introduced from India with the introduction of Tibetan Buddhism, and then bred from the local special geographical location and climate environment for a long time. The variety first seed seedling transplanting, the blossom, can open winter, the winter ends, each spring blossom bud can happen again, up to several meters, the plant leaf blade lanceolate, fruit short Angle, apex slightly pointed, after the mature fruit golden bright, its JiaoGuo thin meat, spicy thick, appetizers spleen, once into the Tibetan medicine, and the tree of life for hundreds of years.
  Derong County is located in the lower reaches of the Jinsha River, unique geographical location and climate conditions make it a "shuci sea pepper" specialty area. After thousands of years of genetic changes and long-term cultivation and breeding, it has become an original local pepper variety in this county. But because of the benefit factor, in the hundreds of years before the 21st century, shuci sea pepper is only sporadic and scattered to grow in some of the local villages in the valley side. In 2002, De Rong County began to adjust the agricultural industrial structure, after a lot of research and scientific demonstration, as a local specialty tree sea pepper was included in the promotion of planting one of the cash crops for the local suitable planting sea pepper area farmers. In 2003, a lot of villagers in other townships of Rong County also began to plant tree pepper, that year the scale reached 30 acres, in 2005, tree pepper out of Rong, smooth sales in several counties around the market, tree pepper price began to pick up from 3 yuan per kilogram to 4 yuan of money. In order to make the brand stronger, in May 2006, after strict certification, de Rong tree pepper and national quality supervision inspection and Quarantine Bureau identified the geographical indication product protection, coupled with the continuous development of the surrounding sales market, with the beginning of the brand de Rong tree pepper in the domestic market is stubborn, exported to Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places of the market: That year, the price of Derong tree pepper rose from 4 yuan to 10 yuan per kilogram, making each farmer at least 2,000 yuan more profit. Brand effect The market price increases to the local tree pepper farmers brought a sweetener. From the first unwilling to plant to sporadic planting, and then from sporadic planting and do not want to plant, and then to spontaneous planting, the scale of tree pepper planting began to develop rapidly in the appropriate local areas. In 2007 the county planting scale reached more than 200 acres, the output reached about 75 tons, but still short of supply. In 2008, Derong County tree pepper planting scale of more than 750 mu, if the per mu yield of 750 kg, Derong County tree pepper output is about 562.5 tons. 2010 tree pepper planting in Derong has formed a large scale, the county 5 townships, towns have established a tree pepper planting base. .
  According to the Provisions on the Protection of Geographical Indication Products, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ) organized the review of the application for the protection of Derong Tree pepper geographical indication products. After the examination, approved from April 26, 2006, the implementation of geographical indication product protection of De Rong tree pepper.
  Scope of protection
  The scope of protection of Geographical Indication products of Derong Tree Pepper shall be subject to the scope proposed by the people of Derong County, Sichuan Province in "Instructions on Protected Planting Area of Derong Tree Pepper Geographical Indication Products" (Defu [2005] No. 104). For sichuan Derong County Zigeng township, Guxue township, Quyagong township, Rilong township, Xu Long township, Gongbo township, eight days township, Bendu township and Songmai town under the jurisdiction of nine towns and townships administrative areas.