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  Zhaga Sacred Mountain is located in The maoya Benge township of Litang, Sichuan province. It is 4135 meters above sea level and 18 kilometers away from the county seat. It is one of the five sacred mountains most believed in by the masses. The Sacred Zaga Mountain rose on top of the mountains, half of which were of turquoise rock, as clean as ink; The other half is green pines, like two worlds.
  On one side of the mountain are bright and clean as ink of turquoise rock, on the other side of the green pine overlapping, there are well-preserved virgin forest. Sunny shooting effect is excellent. The rock naturally presents the six characters of different sizes: om, ma, it, worship, mi, moo and the patterns of wood sun and moon, magical as whimper lamentation. In the Tibetan calendar, the year of the Sheep is the year of pilgrimages to the mountain gods and the drilling of karst caves to distinguish good and evil.