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2021/11/29 click:942

  Gajin Snow Mountain, mountains and trees are interdependent, beautiful scenery. People living in the semi-high mountains for a long time have created a unique Kangba culture, where there is a time-honored "Rongxie", which is the oldest of the Xianzi songs and dances. On festive days, people here wear the ancient and simple "Xiatao" (one of the oldest Tibetan clothing in Derong), and dance in a cheerful harmony to express their love for life and pray for the protection of the gods.

  The pristine forest and green sea inlaid in the Gajin Snow Mountain scenic area. Fir, spruce, larch, masson pine, large azalea and all kinds of flowers, so that you can enjoy the scenery of flowers like scenery, green grass, ten thousand trees. The road winds up to the top of the mountain. Looking up, it stretches dozens of kilometers of white vast snow mountains, like a giant dragon born in the sky roam in the horizon. Majestic, spectacular, breathtaking, breathtaking.